Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I began this as a note on my Facebook page, but I decided, 'well wrote all this, why not just start the blog?' So here it is: Jack's truth about reality. I was going to start off by explaining the purpose of this blog. That will have to be next.

First off, I'm unexpectedly very peaceful. I have no bad feelings about the election. Honestly though, I did expect to be a bit more uneasy. I do have many friends who have expressed to me their concern and worry. I never was scared. Just disappointed. I know all those Barack supporters are very happy, and they should be. Congrats to them. I did not support Barack, but you folks do deserve this time.

I do feel the need to express my concern on a few things regarding the election though. Firstly, racism. No matter what anyone wants to believe, race was a huge factor in this election. I don't believe America was a racist country 2 days ago. I don't believe it was even 10 years ago. I don't think just because we elect a black man to be president means that for some reason we have crossed an imaginary line where we can all of the sudden feel better about ourselves. If Barack were a white man, would he be getting the same attention? I would have a hard time believing so. I have heard, seen, and read so much regarding how the fact that he is black is part of why they are voting for him. If we are all of the sudden not racist, wouldn't that not matter. Isn't the hope of Dr. Martin Luther Kings famous speech color blindness? If color had ANYTHING to do with why you voted for Barack or McCain, you are the problem, not the solution.

Secondly, socialism. I do believe, from what I have heard Barack say, and also his associates, that we will, at least try, to head down a socialist path. That path I feel will fail. We have been a value destroying culture as of late in the name of tolerance, and oddly enough, compassion. Truly, nothing in life is free. Too many are now expecting a free ride. This tactic exploits the greed in people, and cheats them out of their dignity and self respect. Spreading the wealth around only quashes it. There will be more on this topic in the future. This will suffice for now.

Again, I have friends on both sides. I truly am proud to be an American. I love all that this country stands for. If under the Bush administration you were ashamed of America, shame on you. You're first is loyalty to the Country, not it's leader. I have not agreed with Bush even as much as I wish I did, but I still love America and do not hang my head in disgust like so many. I will not hate America under a Barack presidency either, and neither should anyone else.